Growing pixel numbers and miniaturization of todays sensors as well as higher power density in sensors or light-emitters make rising demands on packaging technology, interconnection technology or signal conditioning.
Since many of the problems surfacing in the design of high-end optoelectronical devices can be solved with materials commonly used in hybrid technology, Quintenz Hybridtechnik started working intensively in the field of optoelectronics since the end of the 90s.
Standard Camera Heads for Endoscopy
We manufacture for you
- Optoelectronic Modules
- Microminiature CCD and CMOS-Cameras
- Optical Sensors and Transmitters
- Laser-Modules
We design for you
- Camera Frontends (for Linescan and 2-D Array)
- High-End Focal Planes (e.g. air surveillance cameras) w/ electronic frontend
High Resolution Stereoscopic Camera (HRSC)
High Resolution Stereoscopic Camera
Focal plane and analog electronic
These cameras have been built in cooperation with DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt). They can take stereoscopic pictures from an operating height of up to 6000m (20000 ft) with 20cm (8") resolution.
The focal plane features up to nine CCDs with 12k-pixels each. Due to the high power dissipation and required mechanical precision and thermal stability the focal plane assembly is based on a ceramic substrate fixed on a cooled metal carrier.
A partially assembled substrate (without carrier and auxiliary substrates)
Focal plane module used as testsubstrate in a research work concerning CMOS linesensors
CCD camera heads
CCD camera head
CCD camera heads from Quintenz Hybridtechnik found their way e.g. into state of the art endoscopes. The assemblies shown here are two of the smallest you can obtain today in the world!
CCD camera head
Laser Modules
Laser Modules
Quintenz Hybridtechnik has expertise in design, assembly and packaging of laser-modules. We can take over your high-volume production of telecommunication lasers as well as assist you in research projects.